About me
Music and art
I have explored visual art on and off throughout my life, but I began painting in earnest about 5 years ago. I have tried many different styles and subjects, and am currently inspired by my love of music, nature, and pop culture.
I started playing guitar when I was 6 years old. In the beginning, I played classical guitar, but switched to electric as soon as my parents would let me get an amplifier. As a teenager on Prince Edward Island, I played high school dances with my bands Crossfire and Plastic Jesus. Since moving to St. John's, Newfoundland in 2007, I have played in the tribute bands Say It Ain't Weezer and N'ar Doubt.
School and work
I work at the Music Resource Centre at Memorial University of Newfoundland. I also work occasionally as a Plain Language translator for People First of Canada. Previously, I worked at The Music Collection and Dance Corner and at Long & McQuade Musical Instruments, both in St. John’s, Newfoundland. On Prince Edward Island, I owned and operated two businesses: a garden centre and an antique store.
After completing a B.A. at Mount Allison University in Sackville, New Brunswick, I moved to St. John’s to attend Memorial University, where I completed a Masters and Ph.D. in Sociology.
I chose Sociology in order to understand social, political, and economic challenges. If you’re interested, check out these brief summaries of my Ph.D. research on personal debt and my Master's research on a social movement aimed at electoral reform.
People and places
I was born in Kitchener, Ontario, and lived in Mississauga until my early teens, when my family moved to Prince Edward Island. I’ve also lived and worked in New Brunswick.
I now make my home in St. John's, Newfoundland, which I chose not only for the university, but also because of the city's vibrant music scene. I live with my wife and daughter and our two cats, Archer and Hookfang.